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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages gapcontinue="Rittain_Bonald" />
      <page pageid="266" ns="0" title="Rick Gage">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">A [ Rick Gage] is a specialist cleric who deals with intelligent magical items. 

He found his calling due to his incredible sense of self, which allows him to fight back against the ego of very powerful items. His reactions during such conflicts can be somewhat intense, but the Temple to [[Thor]] in [[Madrill]] finds him to be very useful to have around.</rev>
      <page pageid="255" ns="0" title="Ristan Urnsay">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">Ristan Urnsay was one of a group of opportunistic thugs who attempted to mug [[Tharin]], [[Landra]] &amp; [[Magni]] after some of them saw the amount of gold [[Tharin]] had on him.

Only Ristan and [[Adiss Kelny]] survived the encounter, after [[Magni]] threw the latter into the former knocking them both unconscious.</rev>