Werl - Quotes
From SargeInCharge
It occurred to me that it might be a good idea to provide a quotes page. Where possible please link back to the session it occurred during in the hopes that some context might be retained.
From Unsure
Magni: "Judge by the weight of a mans purse, not the silk on his arse."
From Session 14
Tharin Longview: "There is no need to be a coward, friend." Kul'theras: "...YOU'RE one of the most cowardly people I know." Tharin Longview: "We're not talking about me."
From Out Of Character Discussion on Talk:Werl_-_Wishlist
Brendan: "Airships are only guaranteed to crash at the very beginning of a campaign, story, etc. One introduced later can have as high as a 40% chance of not crashing!"
From Session 19
Landra: "Why are we always attacked by cargo?"
From Session 24
Tharin Longview: "I'm sorry Kul'theras, I've been short with you."
Munt:"Miniaturisation is a pipe-dream!"
Tharin Longview: "There comes a point in your life when you realize that you really don't want to be a doll."
Landra: "I especially liked the bit where I was dropped amongst the enemy and then abandoned there."