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(Created page with "Stonehouse Bonds and Securities is the financial services provider of choice for The Hunted. After the Assistant Manager Yenid Wynch noted the somewhat mercenary atti...")

Latest revision as of 15:21, 8 October 2013

Stonehouse Bonds and Securities is the financial services provider of choice for The Hunted. After the Assistant Manager Yenid Wynch noted the somewhat mercenary attire of the group, he introduced them to the Nelt Blackmont, the Manager. He had a job for them to do, involving clearing out tunnels which were being dug by unknown parties beneath the bank.

Stonehouse Bonds and Securities provides esteemed clients with an ingenious device which makes use of small Ring Gates, suitable for storage within a coin-purse, which open on the mental command of the account holder to provide ready access to their funds (provided the account holder remains on the same plane, and the device is not nullified in some way.

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