Pretty Pretty Princess Dress-Up Board Game

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A game aimed at young girls which involves obtaining and wearing gaudily-painted costume jewellery, the winner being the player who first gains a complete set of the same colour as their playing piece. It is a cherished belonging of Munt the goblin, having been purchased for him by Tharin Longview in Madrill the morning The Hunted left for Diamondgate.

Physical Description

The box has a carved and painted princess depicted on the front and contains the following:

  • A circular game board which the pieces travel around, with a spinner mounted on the middle.
  • A crown made of wood and polished tin (sized for Small creatures).
  • 4 pawns distinguished by their bright colours.
  • 21 pieces of costume jewellery in the same colours as the pawns (4 necklaces, 4 bracelets, 4 pairs of earrings, and 4 rings)
  • 1 ring not matching any pawn which is black and shaped like a grinning humanoid skull.

Game Rules

Players take turns operating the spinner to determine which section of the board they should move their pawn to. The section they land on indicates what piece of which set of jewellery they must collect. There are also sections which allow a player to take any piece of jewellery they choose, even those already possessed by other players.

The aim is to collect all pieces which match the colour of their pawn, however they cannot win if they possess the black skull ring; they must wait until someone else is forced to take it from them.

Once a winner is determined, they are crowned as the Pretty Pretty Princess and the other players are expected to genuflect.

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