Current XP: 56888, next level at --
Hero Points: 1
Hailing from Whiteleaf Forest, Landra is a Half-elf who would rather her nostrils are filled with the acrid smell of gunpowder than that of Nature.
She posesses an almost unnatural and distinctly elven grace, greatly at odds with a number of unpleasant burns and scars adorning her face. Her eyes are strikingly emerald green and her black hair is held in a short ponytail, but her skin is a very human olive tone. Her armor is of some elven design, appearing a dark reinforced leather of some kind, but on closer inspection is made from prepared leaves. She is also equiped with an elegant elven longsword in scabbard at her side, and a longbow and her trademark rifle secured to her back - both enchanted. Not the most arsenal-like of the party, she still appears outrageously armed.
She has a personality some would describe as "abrasive", and a rifle many would describe as "fucking bullshit". She has found great - or small - sums of money appealing, and unnecessary killing distasteful, though she has a habit of shooting dead would-be muggers. In combat she takes advantage of her skill and dexterity to always shoot at the heavier targets, with little regard - offensively or defensively - of weaker "fodder". She has expressed a preference for whiskey from Tharin's still. She has alluded to not having much of a family - an estranged elven mother from Whiteleaf Forest, and an unknown human father.
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