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Quote of the Day: "Judge by the weight of a mans purse, not the silk on his arse."

Current XP: 34,000 (Level 8)

Hero Points: 1

Magni son of Veur, is a dwarven Barbarian from Mount Thuun. He and his mount (a bear named Björn) are far from home when he first meets the rest of The Hunted.



Before you stands a Dwarf clearly armed for battle. His prodigious muscles are evident even when he stands at ease, his skin taught, thick and rough, showing the faint scars of a hundred skirmishes. His hair is a dull fiery red, grown long both on his head and his face. It's pulled back into a tight knot from which it flows down to between his shoulders, while his bushy, thick beard brushes the top of his chest. Neither shows signs of being much cared for. His green eyes look out, surveying the world and drinking in it's details, a faint scar above and below his left eye suggesting he once came close to having only the one good eye.

He wears well worn but well oiled leather boots, with a tuft of fur sticking out the top of them suggesting they're intended for cold climates. He wears a Kilt that brushes the top of his shins, but it's woven of muted colours, more grey and blue then vibrant reds or blacks. Atop his body he wears a leather jerkin, with no sleeves to impede the movement of his arms, though again tufts of fur can be seen protruding. Over the jerkin he wears a dull grey chain mail shirt, scuffed and worn but looking to be of the finest quality inspite of it's use. A thick leather belt emblazoned with a bear sigil is around his waist, with two daggers in scabbards worn at his left hip, one silver one steel.

Across his back, the handle of a greatsword (Bloodseeker) can be seen protruding over his left shoulder, a mighty slab of metal, chinked and chipped but with a gleaming, terrifyingly sharp glint to it's edge. Over his left shoulder protrudes the head of a Longhammer, wrought from cold iron. Nestled in the small of his back, tilted up slightly can be seen a quiver, with a mighty oaken bow slipped into it with it's arrows, the bow and shafts available to his right hand at a moments notice. Atop all this lies a thick brown cloak made of a bear hide, a large bulge suggesting he wears a pack beneath it.

He looks like one who seeks battle and has been quite successful in that hunt...

Currently waiting on delivery of a new sword which will be named Giants Bane taking it from +1 and adding Furious and Shocking - total of 18,000 GP.

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