5E Curse of Strahd Sessions

From SargeInCharge
Revision as of 09:55, 25 February 2018 by Troy (Talk | contribs)

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2017-07-23 - It Begins.

2017-07-30 - It Begins 2: "I'm drowning in smooth dogs."

2017-08-06 - Session 3: "I have reduced the door's speed by 10 feet/round."

2017-08-20 - Session 4: A friendly game of cards.

2017-09-25 - Session 5: Queen's celebration confusion.

2017-10-01 - Session 6: Vallaki Day One

2017-10-18 - Session 6: Bonecrusher Break-in

2017-10-22 - Session 7: Morgthana

2017-10-25 - Session 8: Viva la revolución?

2017-11-13 - Session 9: Riots & Ravens

2017-11-26 - Session 10: Bad Seed

2018-01-28 - Session 11: Cultists & Curfews

2018-02-04 - Session 12: A Productive Morning

2018-02-10 - Session 13: Entering Argynvostholt

2018-02-18 - Session 14: What do you mean the dragon is in another castle?

2018-02-25 - Session 15: Out of Argynvostholt, into the line of fire.

2018-03-11 - Session 16:

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